From time to time, ApplicationAdvantage receives inquiries concerning influence we have with specific target programs, as well as requests for clarification about the role we play in facilitating admission.
Therefore, we have provided this statement, in line with our best practices, to clarify how we help clients successfully attain their educational and professional goals.
While we possess extensive experience with admissions standards as well as strategies for entering top programs and companies, ApplicationAdvantage has not pursued preferential recruiting arrangements with any organization. Conversely, the types of programs and companies which our clients aim for, are ethically bound to treat all applicants fairly, regardless of who referred them or which service they may have used. Therefore, use of our services does not present either an explicit or implicit guarantee of admission. We do not grant admission - only the selection committees at respective schools and companies hold that final decision-making authority.
We do guarantee that we deploy, at all times, our best techniques and creative solutions to help our clients reach their full potential as applicants. That professional support and the accompanying services are provided in line with our best practices.
We aim to provide the most extensive and well-thought-out content development program tailored for each individual client and we assist in the modification of content and strategic placement of the client's thought and ideasWe do not manufacture or fabricate content for clients; neither do we write model essays for clients., .
Our success, especially with regard to our largest clients, has sometimes fed the perception that we exert special influence with committees. While it may be flattering to be thought of in this manner, the results we help our clients to attain are based on our services, and our industry-leading standards, not on efforts that fall outside the ethical boundaries we maintain.
Should you have questions about our services, you may contact us directly through our contact page, or as a first-time prospective customer, you may request an initial consultation, which is provided to the public based on availability.
Effective Date: September 27, 2006 / Latest Version: April 27, 2012