Walter Hutchinson
على مدار 20 عامًا من التعامل مع طلبات الالتحاق بالدراسات العليا والاستشارات المهنية، ساعد Walter Hutchinson ، رئيس ومؤسس ApplicationAdvantage، المئات من الأشخاص في الأمريكيتين وأوروبا وآسيا على الالتحاق بأفضل برامج العالم شهرة وتنافسية، وساعد عملاءه على كسب العديد من المنح والزمالات الدراسية.
In a 20-year career of graduate admissions and career consulting, Walter Hutchinson, President and Founder of ApplicationAdvantage, has helped hundreds of people in the Americas, Europe and Asia gain admission to the world’s most prestigious and competitive programs, and has helped his clients win numerous scholarships and fellowships.
Prior to founding ApplicationAdvantage, Mr. Hutchinson held positions at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business, at global investment bank Merrill Lynch & Co., and, and as a delegate and selection committee member of international conferences.
He holds both bachelors and masters degrees from Columbia University, and was a research scholar in finance and commercial law at the University of Tokyo.
He has advised clients at globally recognized financial services companies, professional services firms, accounting groups, manufacturers, marketing firms, investment banks and governmental agencies and NGO’s, including: American Express; Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi; Docomo; Ernst & Young; Goldman Sachs; The Japan Development Bank; Merrill Lynch; Mori, Hamada and Matsumoto; Nissan; Nomura Securities; Toyota; Travelers (Now Citigroup); and the United Nations.
Mr. Hutchinson can advise in English, Japanese or Spanish, and he specializes in assisting non-Westerners and non-native English speaking professionals to transition to American and European MBA programs.
He is currently developing MBA Dashboard, an interactive admissions consulting tool designed for applicants to business schools.