خدمات بالساعة
اذا كنت بحاجة للمساعدة في قسم واحد أو اثنين فقط من طلب التقديم الخاص بك، أو إذا كنت بحاجة لنصائح تتعلق بموقف محدد، اختر الخدمة الاستشارية بالساعة أو واحدة من عروض الخدمات الخاصة التي نقدمها.
If you need help with just one or two pieces of your application, or advice on a special situation, choose hourly consulting or one of our special service packages.
If you work with us on an hourly basis first, and then later decide on a school package that would have included the hourly consulting or service package, we’ll apply up to five hours or the applicable service package towards the per-school package fee.
Hourly Pricing
Number of Hours | Cost |
One Hour | $450 |
Two Hours | $825 |
Five Hours | $2,050 (Save 10%) |
Ten Hours | $3,600 (Save 20%*) |
* Clients who purchase a school package and request additional hourly consulting not covered in those school packages will receive the discounted 10-hour package rate, even if only paying for one hour at a time (i.e., $197 per hour).
Need help in a hurry? Consultation is available on a rush basis (by next business day) at $350/hr., subject to availability. If you select a school package afterwards, we’ll apply the fees (up to our five-hour regular, non-rush rate) towards that school package.
Get started with your initial free consultation.